Chipotle Honey BBQ Turkey Burger

Chipotle Honey BBQ Turkey Burger


Chipotle Honey BBQ Turkey Burger

3 tbsp.

Chipotle Honey BBQ Sauce*

2 slice(s)

Cheddar cheese

1 ea.

Buttered and toasted bun

¼ cup(s)

Shredded lettuce

1 slice(s)

Red onion

2 slice(s)

Honey Pepper Turkey Bacon*


  1. 1. Top cooked turkey burger with 2 tbsp BBQ sauce and 2 slices of Cheddar. Melt cheese.
  2. 2. Prepare Burger
    • • Spread 1 tbsp. of BBQ sauce on the toasted bottom bun
    • • Top with shredded lettuce
    • • Top lettuce with the sliced red onion
    • • Place the turkey burger with the melted cheese on top of the onion
    • • Arrange Honey Pepper Turkey Bacon on top of burger
    • • Top each burger with toasted bun top
  3. 3. Serve.


Chipotle Honey BBQ Sauce

¾ cup(s)

Honey BBQ Sauce

1 tbsp.

Tabasco Chipotle Hot Sauce

1 tbsp.

Fresh cilantro, chopped


  1. 1. Combine all the ingredients and blend well.
  2. 2. Refrigerate until needed.


Honey Pepper Turkey Bacon

8 slice(s)

Turkey Bacon

2 tbsp.


1 ½ tsp.

Cracked black pepper


  1. 1. Prepare the turkey bacon in the microwave oven, 5 minutes or until crisp.
  2. 2. Remove from the microwave; keep the turkey bacon on the same plate. Brush the bacon with honey, coating well.
  3. 3. Sprinkle with the cracked black pepper.
  4. 4. Return to the microwave for additional 20–30 seconds.
  5. 5. Remove from the microwave. Remove the bacon from the plate to cool.
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