Valencia-Style Canelons

Valencia-Style Canelons

8 servings

Serving Size


Valencia-Style Canelons

8 tbsp.

Blanqueta olive oil

1 tbsp.

Ibérico lard

3 ea.

Garlic clove, minced

6 oz.

Beef, finely ground

8 oz.

4 ea.

Chicken or rabbit livers, minced

6 oz.

Ibérico pork, finely ground

½ cup(s)

Sherry vinegar

1 ea.

Shallot, chopped

3 ea.

Tomato, seeded, grated

1 ea.

Thyme sprig, minced

1 ea.

Basil sprig, minced

1 ea.

Rosemary sprig

½ tsp.

Oregano, fresh

6 tbsp.


½ tsp.


½ tsp.

Smoked pimentón de la vera

— as needed


— as needed

Freshly ground black pepper

20 ea.

Canelon wrappers (see note)

3 cup(s)

Béchamel Sauce*

1 cup(s)

Smoked Idiazábel cheese, grated

— as needed



  1. 1. Heat 4 tablespoons olive oil and Ibérico lard in a pan over medium heat and fry garlic. Remove from heat and reserve.
  2. 2. Brown beef, turkey, chicken livers and pork over medium-high heat. Add shallot, tomato, thyme, basil, rosemary and oregano and cook until juices begin to dry.
  3. 3. Pulse meat mixture and sherry vinegar in a food processor to a coarse paste. Add breadcrumbs, nutmeg, pimentón, salt and pepper and mix well.
  4. 4. Cook a few canelon wrappers at a time in boiling, lightly salted water, for 8 to 10 minutes or until al dente. Remove with a slotted spoon and shock in a pot filled with cold water. Lift wrappers out with slotted spoon and arrange on a flat surface.
  5. 5. Spoon a line of meat filling in each sheet and roll up to form a tube. Pour some béchamel into an oven-proof dish and lay tubes side by side. Cover tubes with more béchamel and spread cheese and small pieces of butter on top. Bake in preheated 400°F oven for 15 minutes or until heated through. Remove from oven, rest for 5 minutes and serve.


*Béchamel Sauce

Yield: 2 cups

5 tbsp.

Extra-virgin olive oil

1 ea.

Onion, diced

1 ½ tbsp.


5 oz.


4 oz.


4 cup(s)

Whole milk, hot

— as needed

Pinch of White pepper

— as needed

Pinch of Nutmeg


  1. 1. Heat olive oil in a heavy-bottomed saucepan and poach onion for 4 to 5 minutes with pinch of salt. Add butter, stir in flour and cook until golden color. Stir constantly until paste cooks and bubbles, without browning, about 2 minutes. Add hot milk, continuing to stir as sauce thickens and bring to a boil. Add 1 1/2 tablespoons salt, pepper and nutmeg, lower heat and cook for 2 more minutes. Remove from heat and reserve until ready to use.


Other Recipe Information


  1. 1. May use 3 sheets of 12-inch x 16-inch fresh pasta cut into 18 rectangles, each 5-inch x 6-inch. Or may substitute wonton skins.
  2. 2. Recipe and image furnished by Plate’s Turkey Inspiration insert.
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