Ingredients Show More
50 Portions
100 Portions
Thick Sliced Turkey Breast Steak with White Turkey - Product # 22655 85200
50 Portions 10 lb 8 oz
100 Portions 21 lb
Cooking spray, butter flavored
50 Portions 2 sprays
100 Portions 4 sprays
Whole wheat bread, cubed
50 Portions 6 lb 4 oz
100 Portions 12 lb 8 oz
Granulated garlic
50 Portions 2 Tbsp
100 Portions ¼ cup
Vegetable oil (USDA or Commercial)
50 Portions ¼ cup
100 Portions ½ cup
Onions, fresh, diced
50 Portions 3 lb or 2 qt 2 cups
100 Portions 6 lb or 1 gal 1 qt
Celery, fresh, diced
50 Portions 2 lb or 1 qt 3 cups
100 Portions 4 lb or 3 qts 2 cups
Cherries, dried, packed (USDA or Commercial)
50 Portions 2 lb 8 oz or 1 qt 2 ¼ cup
100 Portions 5 lb or 3 qt ½ cup
Rosemary, dried, leaves
50 Portions 1/4 cup 2 Tbsp
100 Portions ¾ cup
Thyme, dried, leaves
50 Portions 1/4 cup 2 Tbsp
100 Portions ¾ cup
Sage, dried, ground
50 Portions 2 Tbsp
100 Portions ¼ cup
Chicken broth, low-sodium
50 Portions 1 gal
100 Portions 2 gal
Nonstick cooking spray
50 Portions 2 sprays
100 Portions 4 sprays
Directions Show More
- Thaw Turkey: Thaw under refrigeration for 48 hours. Once thawed, dice turkey. Hold at 41° F or lower.
- Dry and Season Bread: Preheat oven to 350°F. Cube bread and spread over 4 sheet pans lined with parchment paper. Spray with cooking spray and sprinkle each pan with 1 Tbsp granulated garlic. Place in the oven and cook for 5 minutes. Remove from the oven and toss. Cook for 5 more minutes and repeat one more time. Remove from the oven and set aside. Note: Bread will not be completely dry.
- Prepare Stuffing: In a kettle, tilt skillet, or large stock pot, heat vegetable oil on medium-high heat. Add onions and celery. Stirring frequently, cook for 5 minutes. Cook until onions turn opaque. Continue to stir frequently to keep vegetable pieces from burning. Stir in turkey, seasonings, and cherries. Cook for 3 minutes. Add chicken broth, bring to a boil. Remove from heat. Stir in dried bread until rehydrated.
- Bake Stuffing: For each 100 servings, divide stuffing into 4 – 4” steamtable pans. Place in the oven and bake for 20 minutes. Remove from the oven and stir. Place back in the oven and cook for 15 minutes. Remove from the oven and stir. Repeat two more times or until stuffing is desired consistency. Remove from the oven and serve. Heat to 165° F or higher for 15 seconds. Hold at 140° F or higher.
- Serve: 1 cup (~8.5 oz wt). Hold at 140° F or higher.
Nutrients per Serving Show More
Calories 384 kcal
Saturated Fat 1.3 g
Trans Fat 0 g
Total Fat 7 g
Cholesterol 50 mg
Calcium 102 mg
Total Dietary Fiber 3 g
Iron 24 mg
Sodium 621 mg
Sugars 21 g
Carbohydrate 53 g
Vitamin A 114 IU
Vitamin C 3 mg
Protein 27 g
Meat/Meat Alt 2 oz. eq.
Grain 2 oz. eq.
Fruit 1/4 cup(s)
Vegetable 1/8 cup(s)
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