Turkey Kebab Tips

Turkey Kebab Tips

Spring is almost here, and summer is right around the corner. Want a tasty, lean option for your seasonal menu? Try these tips for the perfect kebabs:

  • If you are trying to save time, use fully cooked turkey products. Try turkey medallions for ultimate convenience. Plus, they’re already the perfect size for skewering.
  • Marinate your turkey ahead of time or season just before grilling for flavorful results.
  • Popular kebab vegetables to use include onions, mushrooms, peppers, zucchini, potatoes and tomatoes, but feel free to be creative. Try using fruits like pineapple or peaches for interesting flavor.
  • Be sure all cut fruits, vegetables and meat are very close in size. This will allow for even cooking.
  • Alternate meat and vegetables on the skewers. For eye-catching presentation, avoid placing two similar-colored ingredients next to each other.
  • Kebabs are a fun way to experiment with flavors. Since the cooking process doesn’t take long at all, personalization is easy. Try creating lists of ingredients and have your patrons pick their own.




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